Call for nominations : JSAP Outstanding Paper Award
Call for Nominations for the 46th JSAP Outstanding Paper Award
The 46th (2024) JSAP Outstanding Paper Award nomination are closed.
The Japan Society of Applied Physics (JSAP) will present the JSAP Outstanding Paper Award (JSAP Paper Award, JSAP Young Scientist Award, and Award for Best Review Paper) for outstanding achievements in the applied physics field, as described below. Applications for both the JSAP Paper Award and JSAP Young Scientist Award will also be accepted. We look forward to your nominations, and self-nominations are also welcome.
Eligibility and Award Criteria
The awards are presented to authors of papers in the three categories described below. The JSAP Paper Award and JSAP Young Scientist Award are presented the authors published in the “Japanese Journal of Applied Physics (JJAP)” (Vols. 61 and 62) and “Applied Physics Express (APEX)” (Vols. 15 and 16) in 2022 and 2023. The Award for Best Review Paper is presented to the authors published in the membership journal “OYO BUTURI” (Vols. 91 and 92) in addition to the above two journals. In principle, the JSAP Paper Award and JSAP Young Scientist Award are presented to the JSAP official members, honorary members, emeritus members, and student members. The Award for Best Review Paper is presented to both JSAP members and nonmembers.
JSAP Paper Award
Presented to the authors of excellent original papers contributing to the progress and improvement of applied physics.
JSAP Young Scientist Award
Presented to the young researchers who mainly authored excellent papers expected to contribute to the progress of applied physics.
The candidate shall be younger than 35 as of April 1 of the year starting the nomination and not have been awarded this award. -
Award for Best Review Paper
Presented to the authors of papers enlightening and educational to JSAP members and encourage progress and improvements in applied physics.
Number of papers to be awarded
- – JSAP Paper Award: up to 10 papers
- – JSAP Young Scientist Award: up to 10 papers
- – Award for Best Review Paper: up to 3 papers
Documents to be submitted
A PDF of candidate paper
Please write “candidate paper” on the first page and specify the award category you nominate. If there are supplementary materials, please attach them.
Nomination form
The nomination form (free form) is required for both self-nominations and nominations by others. Please clearly describe the features and advantages of the paper in approximately 400 words.
Contact information for all authors
Please provide the name, JSAP membership number, place of employment (contact information), and valid e-mail address.
Regarding the JSAP Young Scientist Award, the JSAP Paper Award Committee will send an agreement form to all co-authors later. Be sure to provide the contact information (valid e-mail address) of all co-authors.
Awarding Ceremony and Commemorative Lecture
The awarding ceremony will be held at the 2025 JSAP Spring Meeting. A certificate and medal will be given to the recipients. Also, the recipients will be asked to give a commemorative lecture during the meeting.
Nomination Deadline
Friday, May 31, 2024
Submission (via Application form or email)
· Application form :
· email :