The Japan Society of Applied Physics

Call for Nominations : JSAP Fellow Award

The Japan Society of Applied Physics (JSAP) established the Japan Society of Applied Physics Fellow Award (Fellow Award) in 2006 as one of the awards to honor its members. A total of 482 members received the Fellow Award. In addition, the JSAP Fellow International Award was established in 2012, and 31 researchers have received the award up to now.

This award is presented to members who have contributed to the progress of applied physics through their achievements in academic research, the development and fostering of industrial technology, and human resource cultivation and education in educational and public interest activities through continuous activities in JSAP. Members who are recognized to have made a particularly remarkable contribution are honored and receive the title of Fellow. At the same time, the awarded members are expected to appropriately represent the JSAP and play a leading role in the JSAP activities. They are expected to take the initiative in efforts towards academic and technological development and the cultivation of human resources such as young researchers, with an eye to the advancement of JSAP.

Call for Nominations : the 19th (2025) JSAP Fellow Award

The nominations for the 19th (2025) fellow award are closed.

Besides the above Fellow Award for JSAP members, we also accept nominations for JSAP Fellow International which are presented to the individuals living overseas who contributed significantly to the progress of JSAP through their overseas activities. The candidate for JSAP Fellow International is not necessarily to be a JSAP member.

Please see the nomination guidelines and stipulations before submitting a nomination.

. Nomination

[Ⅰ ‐ ⅰ] JSAP Fellow

Notes for nomination

Notes for selection of nomination supporters

Selection Process (for JSAP Fellow)

Procedure of selecting Fellow Award recipients

Procedure of selecting Fellow Award recipients

[Ⅰ ‐ ⅱ] JSAP Fellow International

. Nomination Deadline

November 1, 2024

. Awarding Ceremony

After the selection of candidates by the fellow award committee, the board will select the recipients of the Fellow Award from among the candidates decided by the committee. The awarding ceremony will be held at the JSAP autumn meeting. The awardee of the JSAP Fellow International will be asked to give a commemorative lecture during the meeting.

. Submission Address (via mail or email)

1-21-5 Nezu, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0031, Japan
Fellow Award Committee, The Japan Society of Applied Physics